
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Will GOD Stop Covid?

Last year (2020) in February, when Covid was just starting, some folks anticipated the virus to simply disappear in March or April due to the hot summer temperature. We were told to hung on till then. It didn't happen. Then they said that come 2021, it would be a new, hopeful new year minus the virus. So we excitedly waited for 2021. New beginning. But that too didn't materialize.

Photo above by Emin BAYCAN on Unsplash.

And even if everybody's been praying for a year or so now that God would stop Covid by his mercy (I imagine every church is doing this), Covid is still here, even with deadlier variants at that, effecting faster transmission and increased deaths. What happened to our prayers? Does God plan to stop Covid 19 at all?

Click here for more on "Leaving the Land of Slavery." Before we operate in God's signs and wonders and expect God to back up our prayers for miracles, the church needs to leave the land of slavery first.

Definitely, I believe God will stop this pandemic. The problem is with what we're doing and how we understand prayer. Prayer plus careless lifestyle will never amount to anything. It's like health. Even if we ask God for good health, nothing will happen if we keep living an unhealthy lifestyle. God cannot be mocked. What we sow we reap.

There was once a prayerful guy who kept eating fatty foods, praying that God would miraculously take away all the bad cholesterol. He also rebuked the bad effects of fats using the Name. He died of heart attack. Prayer is not for keeping ourselves safe while living the way we want. We cannot abuse God's promises.

Like proper wearing of face masks and shields. I often ask friends who go out to observe how people take health protocols. They say only 3 out of 20 people in the streets do. Some say 1 or 2 out of 10. I say 1/2 out of 10. Like when I was at the BIR office for processing land tax, there was this guy who wore his shield on the back of his head. He thought it was cool. 

And we expect God to take pity?

Blatant disregard for rules is arrogance and pride. Those who trash discipline do so out of rebelliousness, which closely connects with insubmission. And both are due to self-conceit--feeling smarter (or thinking that only their ideas or opinions matter), an overrated sense of self-worth. And God never sides with the arrogant and proud. He always seeks lowly hearts.
"...a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." [Psalm 51.17]

We also should seriously consider the government's call for vaccination. I respect those who refuse to be vaccinated. It's their right. But believers who refuse should consider what the bible says about submitting to the governing authorities. 

Moreover, no one should think that their decision to vaccinate or not is the smart thing to do and opposing ideas are foolish. I've seen Christians make an issue of this and again divide the church into the pro and anti-vaccine. The pro-vaccine camp looks down on the unvaccinated, and the anti-vaccine camp does likewise. They even curse those not in their camp of suffering dire consequences. This is demonic pride and self-righteousness. This issue should not cause division. Instead, the church should pray for the safety of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We're one body in Christ. If one member suffers, we all do. 

Vaccines are good, so are other alternatives. But these are not the real solutions. The real solution is for the church to learn genuine humbleness and unity in the body. We should understand how the body is one--one member suffers, all suffer. One member triumphs, all have victory.

Then GOD takes pity and answers our prayers by his grace and mercy. This all takes total surrender to the will of God and his standards, total submission to his Word in the bible. And if you're not used to totally surrendering to God's will through his Word (and you still rather rely on your own strength and way of seeing things), now is the apt time to start. Because the bible says, this pandemic is one of the signs that we're now in the end-times as Jesus prophesied. 

This is the beginning of birth pains. In the natural, birth pains mean it's just a couple of minutes or hours.

Total surrender to Jesus as your Savior and Lord means a complete life change, turning away from sin as a daily lifestyle and depending solely on God's Word in the bible as your life and doctrine. This is all God's work through the Holy Spirit in Christ, but we need to surrender first. See more below.

Surrendering to Jesus 

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do (not your good deeds or religion of church), but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. In Jesus alone is salvation.
Jesus is:

“‘the stone you builders rejected,
which has become the cornerstone.’

12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. And then pray that God lead you to the right person who'd disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Are You Jabbed with the Other Vaccine?

Yes, there's another "vaccine" you may not have heard of yet. It's actually a priority vaccine but often serve as a standby remedy in case our plans A and B fail. We have good plans to fight Covid and survive this pandemic, one of which is getting jabbed with vaccines offered freely by the government (I got my second dose of AstraZeneca two days ago). Or any other remedy other people are preferring if they don't subscribe to vaccination. 

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

But there's another type of "vaccine" you should have because this is provided freely by the government of the Kingdom--God's Kingdom government--and which is made available to all. If you haven't got this vaccine yet, you better do so now, especially when variants are appearing and spreading like crazy. God's vaccine protects you from all variants and all kinds of diseases.

The best thing is, there are no side effects or risks. No allergic reactions. It's guaranteed safe. Has it been tested? Yup, even before the universe was created. It applies regardless of age and gender.

The Vaccine

It's a spoken vaccine. The spiritual "vaccine" comes in the form of God's Spoken Word, pertinent promises freshly released from His own mouth. His spoken Word is ever reliable and applicable for all time. It never expires or gets obsolete. It's new every morning. It's his steadfast love. The vaccine is spoken thus:

"The Lord will keep you free from every disease."

That's spoken in Deuteronomy 7:15. It's a sure promise from God, and God never lies. He is ever reliable and true. The only thing we need is to really BELIEVE with all our hearts and minds. This means, we re-align our lives with his Word in the bible. It's like medicine. Doctors give us meds which must be taken according to their prescription, if it's taken once, two or three times a day. If we don't, the meds will not take effect. They may even prove fatal.

Get a review of my e-book, "Leaving the Land of Slavery." Click here.

The same with God's "vaccine." We need to get God's "prescription" on it and follow it to the letter. For instance, we need to worship God properly every day, not just on Sundays and not just in our church buildings. Here's the prescription on the vaccine found in Exodus 23:25,

"Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. 
I will take away sickness from among you.."

Now, we can expand that prescription to include other things, not just food and water, like our place of work, the routes we travel going to places when we need to, vehicles we ride on, the things we touch, the air we breathe when we have no choice but to be in crowded places like public transport. In the promise above, the "blessing" (God's "anti-Covid protection," as it were) is on our food and water. But those are just examples. God can expand that to other things, because nothing is impossible to Him if we believe. 

Thus, we feel more safe, secure and protected with God's supernatural "vaccine," aside from the protection we get from our medical vaccine--or whatever protection option we prefer (but I hope you decide to get jabbed). God's "vaccine" comes with this assurance in Jeremiah 33.6:

"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; 
I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security."

This does not mean, however, that we go out there in the streets any time we want because we have become Covid resistant. Far from it. We still observe strict safety protocols like distancing, wearing double masks, face shields, hand-washing, disinfecting plus taking organic health supplements. Don't wallow in false pride. The Lord always favors the meek and lowly and obedient.

God's supernatural vaccine is also effective after you get positive with Covid. It's never too late with God's powerful spoken Word in the bible. HE promises in Psalm 41:3:

"The Lord sustains them on their sickbed
and restores them from their bed of illness."

But prevention is better than cure. It's always best to keep away from danger rather than carelessly letting it affect you before you start doing precautions. Some people brave going out needlessly despite the pandemic, thinking that anyway God will protect them from the virus. Some even refuse to wear face masks and shield. Faith does not work that way. God provides supernatural protection but we need to apply His wisdom, too:

"The prudent see danger and take refuge, 
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty." [Proverbs 22.3]

Why the Need for Medical Vaccination?

We may ask, what's a medical vaccine for if we get God's superior supernatural vaccine? First, God's Word says we need to submit to the governing authorities, and the government urges us to vaccinate. Second, it's the same thing with food. We need natural foods to be healthy or to heal. God can provide us with food supernaturally (or supernaturally eliminate hunger so we'd be nourished and feel full even without eating) but it's still God's will that we buy food, cook it, and eat. Third, we do take meds when we need them, right? So, it shouldn't be a big deal.

But if you opt not to vaccinate, that's your right. And I pray that we all become safe from Covid.

How to "Register" for God's "Vaccine"

To register for this vaccine, simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And "believe" means totally surrendering your life to him. I did this on September 05, 1980 at 8 pm when I "met" the Doctor personally, that is Jesus Christ, when I heard the Gospel of the Kingdom, and received Him into my life as Lord and Savior. Then I totally surrendered to Him. By receiving Jesus and surrendering to Him, you get all the Kingdom benefits, among which is God's "vaccine."

Surrendering to Jesus 

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do--not because of your religion, church or good deed--but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. 

Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. And then pray that God lead you to the right person who'd disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.

Why the Kingdom is Powerful

Finally, Jesus appeared and introduced the Kingdom. For so long, there had been various speculations about it, especially its coming King and Messiah and the kind of power and authority he'd carry. When he did appear, however, he didn't seem much to reckon with, unlike the powers that be. He looked trivial and weak. He didn't look like a king or messiah.

But it's precisely why the Kingdom is powerful. Power is made perfect in weakness. You cannot change that. It's a perpetual Kingdom principle. So many go after clout and dominance, be it in politics or church (church mostly is mere politics today), and never see truth that the least is really the greatest. Thus, in his Sermon on the Mount, his first teaching was,
"Blessed are the poor in spirit; theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."


Jesus first laid out the heart of the Kingdom. If anyone would operate in Kingdom power and authority, he should first have its heart and character. It is imperative to be poor in spirit, mourning (sorrowful about the sorry state of the world), meek, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemaker and persecuted for him. Possessing this character (they should be treated as one) makes you salt and light and therefore manifesting the life of Jesus. And His life fulfills the law. 

Then Jesus emphasized the mindset of the Kingdom. After the heart comes the mind. 

  1. Relationships
  2. Covetousness and adultery
  3. Marriage
  4. Declarations
  5. Treating enemies
Get a book review of the radical e-book, God's Flesh. Click here.

These five sensitive areas are often our pitfalls. If we do not have a clear Kingdom mindset about them, they easily become negative strongholds that spiritually hold us down, often without noticing it. The thing can easily escape our awareness and make us serve the enemy while believing to be "serving" the Lord. It's been happening in church. It's the great deception in these end times. Having the reputation of being alive but actually dead.

Operating in the Kingdom

After the heart and character of the Kingdom are placed firmly in us, we begin to operate in Kingdom power and authority. Because we've become among the least (Kingdom heart and character are designed to empty us of anything desirable to the world) we easily imbibe what it means to move in the Kingdom. Thus, we begin to operate in real power, something the world does not understand or appreciate.
  1. Giving to the needy
  2. Prayer
  3. Fasting
Leave all worldliness behind and stay in the Kingdom. Click here.

Jesus especially instructed his disciples to make sure all three above are done in SECRET. This is how genuine Kingdom people operate for the Kingdom. Everything is done solely for the enjoyment of the Father. Then the Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. What kind of reward? Spiritual treasures. Untrained human eyes will not see or appreciate these rewards but the deeply spiritual will. The unspiritual will keep showing off their good deeds and accomplishments in exchange for earthly treasures that will rot and be destroyed and stolen by the enemy. 
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Only those with "good eyes" will see this truth and possess generous hearts that bless others incognito. Those with "unhealthy eyes" will not see anything in the Kingdom and possess stinginess that brag about every good deed they do and expect something in return.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy (generous), your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy (stingy), your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! 

Two Masters

If you are not disciplined to keep private or secret what you do for the Father but seek to be praised in public, then you serve two masters--God and your ego. Later, you will love one and hate the other, and God often ends up hated in the love triangle. But the Beatitudes are designed to starve the flesh or ego and let it die. It empties us of anything in this world, just as Jesus emptied himself and took the form of a servant. In these last days before Jesus comes back, only God should be glorified. The flesh or ego counts for nothing.

Don't Worry

Modern man's number one worry today is to be left out ignored or be unrecognized or become the least. This is why they all pursue more studies and seminars to secure all the titles they can grab. They want to be updated to please their benefactors and prove their usefulness to them. They all want a measure of success or greatness to be relevant. If they lose relevance or popularity, they fear losing their seats or positions. They fear losing their jobs. 

But only pagans run after these things. From the mouth of Jesus, Kingdom value system says, "Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’" Seek the King, the Kingdom and the King's righteousness, first and last. Don't worry--seek nothing more. 

If you want to be part of God's Kingdom, it all starts with surrendering your life totally to Jesus Christ. See below.

(To be continued)

Surrendering to Jesus 

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do, but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. 

Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. And then pray that God lead you to the right person who'd disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.

The Priorities of the Kingdom 2: Marks of a True Follower

MARKS OF A TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Part 1 Humility, meekness and emptying yourself. These are the priorities of the Kingdom, the aim of the ...