
GOD's Flesh: Ultimate Spiritual Revival in the End Times


EBOOK. GOD is spirit--and we are His flesh on earth. It all started with Jesus Christ, the WORD made flesh and who dwelt among us. Then he passed on the legacy to his church. The WORD must be made flesh in us.

When the WORD is made flesh it reveals God's awesome power and authority in a body, and yet the body--the life--remains lowly and humble. That's genuine power. It conquers the world and demolishes the dominion of darkness. It defeats Satan. 

This is what the e-book God's Flesh is all about---providing flesh for the spoken Word. Living the radical LIFE of Jesus Christ everyday.
We're born again not to do religious dead works again. Often, after being born again, we just transfer to another religion or church. But God's design is that we're born again to do the Father's supernatural work in exactly the way Jesus did it. This is why Jesus lives in us.
"And the Father's work is to believe in the One He has sent," [John 6.29].
On the day we finally and really believe the spoken WORD, we will understand that the Father and the Lord Jesus are really and fully (100%) living in us through the Holy Spirit---and that we, the church, completely one in Christ, are God's flesh on earth.
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. [John 14.20]
Anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. [John 14.12]
Glorify God in our bodies. That's the goal, said Paul. And our bodies are flesh. Thus, the body is God's flesh. God inhabits our flesh in Christ and we live in God through Christ. In fact, we no longer live in this body but Christ does.

Once we all manifest God in our bodies, true unity among believers happens, and there will be one glorious church of Jesus Christ, which is without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Denominations will disappear. 

Then genuine Kingdom building on earth by the glorious church will start.

As it is, only empires of men called "churches" are being built and "planted" everywhere, not God's true church and Kingdom.

However, God will do a powerful move before Christ comes back---in fact, the last move of God---which will come about as prophesied in Scriptures. This e-book shares a gist of this powerful spiritual revival---the last revival before Jesus Christ comes back.

Find out about it and join God in His last move on earth in these end times. 

For only P300, get a PDF copy of this 80-plus page e-book.

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