
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Making of a Jesus Stalker


Naturally, I'd want my very own story posted in this blog. How did I become a Jesus stalker? I was raised up in a strict Roman Catholic family and went to catholic schools in grade school. So I thought I was a Christian, a real Jesus believer. But fact was, I knew so little about his Word, if any, in the Gospel. I never opened the bible then to seriously study it so I could know Jesus better. I relied mainly on what I heard from Sunday masses or in religion classes at school.

Photo above by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash.

It was okay while I was a kid. There were even times I felt so close to God. High school was tolerable and I was even able to mix Catholicism with Taoism and some Chinese traditions due to my interest in Karate and Kung Fu. But college was a totally different thing. It was chaos. It was then I started rebelling and questioning God though I still attended church on Sundays.

Click here to know more about being free from sins.

One afternoon my fraternity brother, Jonathan, (I joined a tough college fraternity in FEU known for its violent frat wars) started arranging a Jesus meet-up for me. I learned that he had recently "surrendered" his life to Jesus and was now living "a new life." And yup, he looked like he was a changed person. For one, I noticed how he started taking a bath regularly. Those times, it was a miracle. We used to have fun missing our baths (we were so busy with our junior theses in Architecture) for days and comparing smells. But that seemed over with Jonathan. It was weird.

Then he started saying that my religion couldn't save me from hell. Neither my family. I was pissed off. What did he know about my religion and my family? "Don't you know how we never miss church since I was a kid?" I rebutted something to that effect. "And are you saying I and my family will go to hell?" I felt that he was pre-judging us. But he politely showed me Romans 3.23 and especially Isaiah 64.6:

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

I was shocked, to say the least, especially the part where righteous acts were trashed, just like that. No one told me about this. I was speechless but still pissed off with Jonathan. I warned him never to talk about Jesus or eternal life ever again. He went away sad but unknown to him, what he had said and the bible passages he had shown me stuck in my mind the whole day. God didn't leave me alone. He kind of nagged me about it. I was going to hell?

Until I couldn't stand it anymore. I found Jonathan again another day and asked him to tell me about the Jesus and eternal life thing again, from start to finish. He looked shocked. This time, it was like I arranged my own Jesus meet-up. But later, I was to find out it was Jesus himself who did all the arrangements. Jonathan was just an instrument. After he was through, we parted ways. But Jesus, again, never let me alone. He kept repeating his words in my mind.

So that night, September 05, 1980, at about 8 pm before going to sleep on my native "banig" mat, I said a short, simple prayer. I asked forgiveness of all my sins, repented, received Jesus into my life as Savior and Lord and surrendered my life to Him. Then I went to sleep. The next day was just like other days, but the peace I had was different. I knew Jesus was in me, all 100 percent of Him. I knew my heart was changed. I knew it in my spirit. I was not the same person anymore.

And it was not my doing. I was sure that there was nothing I could do to change myself. It was all God. 

Moreover, through Jesus and by God's grace and mercy and his promises in the bible, I knew I had eternal life right there and then. If anything bad would happen to me then, I was sure that Jesus would receive me in heaven because of what he promised and did for me, by grace through faith. Not because of my religion or anything good I have done.

That started my life journey of surrendering my life daily to God in Christ. I've become a Jesus Stalker since. This means I stalk stealthily behind Jesus wherever he goes and whatever he does in the bible, watching him up close. I see everything clearly.

Surrendering to Jesus

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do, but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. And then pray that God lead you to the right person who'd disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.


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