
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Why Some People are Just Too Happy

Count it all joy brethren..
- James 1.2

Happiness comes in various hues and colors. Almost all of them are temporary except one. A lot of happiness happens for fleeting reasons and they're due to outside factors, mostly physical, what we get from the world. So we see "happy" people covering up depression with a smile, laughter or jokes. It's often escape, especially when they cannot face their realities anymore. 

Photo above by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash.

But there's a genuine happiness that springs from deep within. It comes in various forms, too, like baffling happiness, inexplicable laughter, clean jokes, taking things in stride, carefree freedom, seeing funny in everything, staying calm and cool, etc. I see it as glee even in ordinary situations--sometimes, even in adversity. Mostly, it's remaining contented and jocular amid vicissitudes of life. Simply put, it's being light-hearted and amused even in failures.

A lot of people cannot understand it. You just can't help being happy, taking nothing seriously, though you know what things in life are serious and you tackle them intently as adults should. But you enjoy life in general like a kid. It's just not in you to worry too much or let anything bother you. I believe you're what others see as "cool." A genuinely happy person is cool, although a lot of seemingly cool guys aren't really happy. They feign being cool to cover up their real self.

And genuine happiness is only possible in Jesus Christ. I mean, if Jesus really reigns in your life supreme and nothing or no one else is, then this is the natural result. Sure, it's easy to claim that Jesus is your Lord and he reigns in your life. But if all that is mere talk or religious slogan (a churchy catch-phrase), it will not manifest naturally in your life. You'd pretend to be happy and artificially and consciously wear a smile. The kind people wear when posing for a selfie or cam shot to appear happy.

Fake Happiness

And often, feigned happiness is not comfortable alone. It needs the company of other people, without which happiness is impossible. So they want company or "fellowship" all the time because they can't stand loneliness in isolation. Fellowship is vital, but it's more important to be happy and strong even when alone--that is, alone with GOD. I believe this is among things GOD wanted done in this pandemic and lockdowns--that we learn to prioritize being alone with HIM than the so-called "fellowship" in church which is often a mere escape from loneliness or boredom.

And church makes us feel important and noticed, so our ego craves that attention and keeps going back there and become active and appreciated. But no real close encounter with the Lord--because if you do, God's Presence is so addicting. You'd keep looking for it and preferring it to other things. You'd want nothing more than be with HIM in silence, listening at his feet and talking casually with HIM. 

"Happiness" without craving for God's Presence is a lie. It's fake news. You can pretend but deep inside you're not. Or, your happiness is hinged on temporal conditions--good company of friends, new clothes, pay day, Shopee or Lazada, job promotion, career take-off, financial breakthrough, or even church. I've heard someone say you're going to be weak if you miss church on Sunday. Nope. If you do, your happiness is skin-deep. True strength and happiness comes from the Holy Spirit, spending time with the Lord and His Word.

Happy Alone

Imagine Daniel alone in the lion's den without fellowship with other believers or what we call "church." But he never grew weak in faith. In fact, his spiritual gift was intact. And there's Joseph being in prison for two years and having convicts as his companions. No fellowship of believers there. And yet Joseph came out with strong faith and a powerful spiritual gift.

This is why even a lot of church people are overstressed or pressured and take maintenance medicines to help them feel healthy or normal. Some even need sedatives, tranquilizers or calming drugs. Without genuine happiness, you'd be sick because its absence creates a lot of destructive cells or free radicals inside your body. They're harmful to your health and produce all sorts of illnesses. But the happiness or joy Jesus gives makes you rest in God and puts an "easy yoke" on you instead. Yeah, you have troubles but you can afford to be genuinely happy through it all. In fact he says:
"In this world you will have trouble. But cheer up (or be happy)! I have overcome the world.”

Be genuinely happy! Without effort or trying to, you are naturally in a happy mood all the time, even in sorrows. But it's not sorrows caused by sin, mind you. It's sorrows as Jesus had them. Joy in sorrows? Yup, nothing is impossible with God. But it doesn't mean you keep laughing out loud while in emotional pain. When Jesus agonized in the garden of Gethsemane, I strongly believe he was happy deep within because he knew well his suffering and death would mean our salvation. He was never sad about the fact. His sorrow was about going through the ordeal, and that's normal. 

Without meaning to, I sometimes find something funny in my sad moments, and I even laugh out loud in my loneliness. It's because (like what Sarah felt) God gives me laughter. When in company with people and it's a solemn occasion, of course I just laugh in my mind. It's part of a cheerful heart. Cheer is far from just feeling okay or smiling. It means animated or energized happiness. It's a "continual feast," says the bible. It's not just a good meal or snack, it's a continuous feast. And not enjoying this may mean spiritual oppression by the enemy.

All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. [Proverbs 15.15]

Mundane Happiness

But temporal or mundane happiness is always short-lived and dependent on circumstances that tickle the ego. Like winning in gambling, getting FB likes or Youtube subscribers, hitting sales targets if you're in sales, things like that. Or even having more income for your church, if you're a minister. These are temporal. This is not the happiness Jesus meant when he said, "Cheer up, I have overcome the world." Mundane cheer is the happiness that material possession or earthly success allows people who have not known Christ in a deep way and which only makes them depressed or anxious eventually.

Even in laughter the heart may ache, and rejoicing may end in grief. [Proverbs 14.13]

Thus, the real secret to genuine happiness is a surrendered life to Jesus Christ. He offers a drink that becomes a "spring of water welling up to eternal life," and that also means eternal happiness inside of you that naturally manifests without effort. It starts with a Jesus meet-up, meeting Jesus in person, in the spirit.

Surrendering to Jesus 

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do (not because of your good deeds or religion), but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. 

Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. And then pray that God lead you to the right person who'd disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.

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