
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

He Knew What They Were Thinking

Mountain Xpress
The Pharisees thought that Jesus sinned after declaring the paralytic let down from the roof forgiven. God alone could forgive sins, they reasoned to themselves. It was their secret opinion they thought would not be found out. Yet Jesus knew their thoughts—he had “heard” them so clearly as if they had shouted in his ears. Then he challenged them and proved himself right. 

Christ in us in these end times. Click here.

At another time, when invited for dinner, he allowed a repentant prostitute to pour costly perfume on his feet. Simon, a Pharisee, doubted in his mind if Jesus was truly a prophet, otherwise he would’ve known her to be a sinner. Again, Jesus “heard” his mind talking and debunked him.

Then they tried to trap him. The Pharisees sent their “disciples” (they also had their discipleship) with the Herodians to ask Jesus about paying Ceasar the imperial tax. And they approached him in the guise of asking his opinion because they highly regarded him.
“We know you’re a man of integrity and you teach the way of God according to truth. You aren’t swayed by others because you pay no attention to who they are.”
Wow! Such high compliment! But Jesus knew it was all flattery. We would’ve reacted differently. We would’ve loved it to even compromise our standard and say something too nice about Ceasar. Instead, Jesus told them outright: “You hypocrites! Why are you trying to trap me?” He knew what they were thinking.

It wasn’t just mind reading or trying to guess people’s thoughts through their reactions or facial expressions. That’s what we do today. We “psychologize” people, not discern them supernaturally. In fact, we laugh at anything suggesting the spiritual gift of discernment given us by the Holy Spirit. So few in church still believe in actually using the gifts. They’d rather be smart and use the social sciences to figure out or assess people.

Best of all, Jesus knew his betrayer well beforehand. Judas wasn’t able to keep anything secret, not even his occasional theft from the ministry money bag. Jesus knew Peter would deny him thrice despite his superlative claim of total devotion---and that a rooster somewhere would crow right after. He also foretold of his deserting disciples. What really struck me was when he predicted how a man carrying a jar of water would meet Peter and John as they entered the city for the Passover preparation. The man would provide what was needed, without question, once they said the password: “The Teacher asks.”

And sure enough everything went according to his word. Did he talk to this man before and arrange things with him? Some would see it this way. I’d prefer to see it as supernatural. Jesus had shown in previous times how he knew people’s minds supernaturally. How he saw the future. It was the spiritual gift of discernment and prophecy in operation. And Jesus said, anyone who has faith in him will do the same things he did [John 14.12]. Question is, does anyone in church today still believe in this? Does anyone prophecy events or discern people supernaturally?

Nope. They’d mock the gift. They’d think you’re an idiot if you claim to seriously believe and use it. Jesus used these gifts to expose the crookedness of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, and he was labeled “judgmental” and crucified. The same label they’d use on you if you do the same today. Anybody who reveals sin uncompromisingly is labeled judgmental. All they want in church is inspire and motivate. Well, there are fakes who pretend to “prophesy” about people’s sins, but I’m not talking about that.

Unbelievers would even challenge you to prophesy things. The soldiers mocked and beat Jesus while he was blindfolded and demanded that he prophesy who did it. He didn’t. The gift is not for circus entertainment. It’s in aid of ministry, genuine ministry that comes from God. You should know what people are thinking of and not be an unsuspecting victim of the devil. Nope, don’t psychologize them; discern them supernaturally like Jesus did. He knew exactly what they were thinking.

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