
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

His Miracles Promoted His Ministry

CTV News
His miracles alone promoted his ministry. But the promotion was incidental. The real intention was to help people get out of spiritual captivity. Jesus said miracles were really meant to convict people and help them repent. That was first in the agenda. Second was promotion.
"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes." [Mat.11]
Don't use miracles and signs and wonders mainly to promote your ministry. Lots of ministries fall into this trap. Because miracles astound people they're easily lured to these ministries. And the latter are often tempted to squeeze out financial support from them. The support are used more to turn ministries into empires and buy properties and build mansions.

Miracles are designed to convict people of sin. It happened to Peter. Because of Jesus' miracle of abundant catch of fish, Peter realized his sin. "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, 'Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!'" [lk. 5.7]. Isaiah felt the same when he saw the glory of God with his angels. "I'm a man of unclean lips," [Isaiah 6].

Incidentally, Jesus' miracles promoted his ministries to other places so that people from all over sought desperately for him. It was a bonus given. An add-on. He didn't focus on miracles for promotion---so more people would join him and up his membership and church income. That would've been greed. It was an evangelism tool and accreditation from God himself. It proved he had God's full backing.
Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. [Acts 2.22]
And because Jesus is 100 percent in us, we have the same full backing. We can be accredited by God with signs and wonders if we want to. Problem is, we ignore this truth and prefer to get accreditation from other sources, even mundane or secular ones. Getting local government support, for instance, is good. But it's wrong when it's all the support we look for. We even derive our confidence from it. We brag about getting the mayor's or the barangay chairman's support. Why don't we seriously get supernatural support from God?

Jesus had zero support from local authorities. In fact, they despised him. We should get a hint from this. This was not incidental---God pre-planned it to turn out this way. Why? So we'd see that what we should get is heaven's full backing---never mind about other support. Why not conduct supernatural healing missions? But these things are not planned by man. We must be led by the Holy Spirit to do them.

We cannot sit down to meet and decide to do miracles. Even if we pray for them. The thing is to be led. To be sensitive to God's leading, to sense the Lord's healing presence [Lk.5.17]. And the healing presence depends on our faith. We should have the faith of Jesus, which often we lack because of the way the modern church has become too secular. We believe more in what the world can provide us than what God can provide supernaturally.

Of course, what we find in the world are also God's provisions, but they're provision designed to be used and appreciated by those of the flesh---those whose spirits are dead and cannot recognize the spiritual unless their flesh benefits from the experience. In ministry, God provides his supernatural supplies, tools and equipment. Through ministry, spiritual provisions are given flesh in us (like the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among men) so those of the flesh can relate and understand the value system of the Spirit.

Miracles were important to Jesus as he preached the Gospel. Everywhere he went, he performed them along with preaching and teaching. And the astonished people who witnessed God's power in him went everywhere to spread the word. They came (they didn't need to be invited), desperately looking for him with their sick and those possessed by demons, and Jesus healed them ALL.

I don't know if anyone looks for pastors "desperately" these days when they're sick or diabolically pestered with stress. Even some pastors skip church when they don't feel well. In Jesus' days, the sick went out of their houses to seek Jesus. Today, even sick church folks go to hospitals to be cured and skip church.

So, how about it? Church should start being promoted as God leads it to do signs and wonders and miracles.

He Knew What They Were Thinking

Mountain Xpress
The Pharisees thought that Jesus sinned after declaring the paralytic let down from the roof forgiven. God alone could forgive sins, they reasoned to themselves. It was their secret opinion they thought would not be found out. Yet Jesus knew their thoughts—he had “heard” them so clearly as if they had shouted in his ears. Then he challenged them and proved himself right. 

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At another time, when invited for dinner, he allowed a repentant prostitute to pour costly perfume on his feet. Simon, a Pharisee, doubted in his mind if Jesus was truly a prophet, otherwise he would’ve known her to be a sinner. Again, Jesus “heard” his mind talking and debunked him.

Then they tried to trap him. The Pharisees sent their “disciples” (they also had their discipleship) with the Herodians to ask Jesus about paying Ceasar the imperial tax. And they approached him in the guise of asking his opinion because they highly regarded him.
“We know you’re a man of integrity and you teach the way of God according to truth. You aren’t swayed by others because you pay no attention to who they are.”
Wow! Such high compliment! But Jesus knew it was all flattery. We would’ve reacted differently. We would’ve loved it to even compromise our standard and say something too nice about Ceasar. Instead, Jesus told them outright: “You hypocrites! Why are you trying to trap me?” He knew what they were thinking.

It wasn’t just mind reading or trying to guess people’s thoughts through their reactions or facial expressions. That’s what we do today. We “psychologize” people, not discern them supernaturally. In fact, we laugh at anything suggesting the spiritual gift of discernment given us by the Holy Spirit. So few in church still believe in actually using the gifts. They’d rather be smart and use the social sciences to figure out or assess people.

Best of all, Jesus knew his betrayer well beforehand. Judas wasn’t able to keep anything secret, not even his occasional theft from the ministry money bag. Jesus knew Peter would deny him thrice despite his superlative claim of total devotion---and that a rooster somewhere would crow right after. He also foretold of his deserting disciples. What really struck me was when he predicted how a man carrying a jar of water would meet Peter and John as they entered the city for the Passover preparation. The man would provide what was needed, without question, once they said the password: “The Teacher asks.”

And sure enough everything went according to his word. Did he talk to this man before and arrange things with him? Some would see it this way. I’d prefer to see it as supernatural. Jesus had shown in previous times how he knew people’s minds supernaturally. How he saw the future. It was the spiritual gift of discernment and prophecy in operation. And Jesus said, anyone who has faith in him will do the same things he did [John 14.12]. Question is, does anyone in church today still believe in this? Does anyone prophecy events or discern people supernaturally?

Nope. They’d mock the gift. They’d think you’re an idiot if you claim to seriously believe and use it. Jesus used these gifts to expose the crookedness of the Pharisees and teachers of the law, and he was labeled “judgmental” and crucified. The same label they’d use on you if you do the same today. Anybody who reveals sin uncompromisingly is labeled judgmental. All they want in church is inspire and motivate. Well, there are fakes who pretend to “prophesy” about people’s sins, but I’m not talking about that.

Unbelievers would even challenge you to prophesy things. The soldiers mocked and beat Jesus while he was blindfolded and demanded that he prophesy who did it. He didn’t. The gift is not for circus entertainment. It’s in aid of ministry, genuine ministry that comes from God. You should know what people are thinking of and not be an unsuspecting victim of the devil. Nope, don’t psychologize them; discern them supernaturally like Jesus did. He knew exactly what they were thinking.

Friday, January 11, 2019

He Very Seldom Prayed

This will come as a shock to many (and with violent disagreement, I expect), but Jesus very seldom prayed in public. Unlike what we do today. We pray every step of the way---in public---either to show people how spiritual we are or to avoid offending the religious ones. Or maybe to avoid offending God. We open and close in prayer in bible studies, Sunday school, worship service, and preaching.

Even before each meal. What more if we have a big undertaking, like praying for miraculous healing or driving out demons. We pray a lot in public, in fact, to the extent that we often overkill. We overkill demons with warring prayers. Poor devils. We pray a lot but often show little to nothing for it. We say voluminous prayers for the sick, and they're still sick when we finish. Sometimes, they even get worse.

Jesus just said a word (a word, mind you) and everything went accordingly. Everything and everyone obeyed. No ifs or buts. And this, without praying (in public).

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We should do things as Jesus did things. Anyone who has faith in me will do what I've been doing, he said. Well, we've been doing the exact opposite. We pray a lot in public but very, very seldom (if any) spend quality and intimate time with God in private---the kind that triggers transfiguration or translation to the third heaven. The "walk with God" that raptured Enoch well ahead of time.

When Jesus delivered his famous and powerful Sermon on the Mount, he didn't open or end in prayer. Ever noticed that? And his first miracle in Cana. Did he pray for a miracle first before water turned into wine? And the ten lepers who were healed? And the blind man who received his sight after Jesus prepared a mud pie using his own saliva? The paralyzed man let down from the roof? How about the demon-possessed in Gadarenes?

Don't get me wrong. Prayer is powerful and important in ministry. Jesus prayed powerful prayers. But that's mostly in private with the Father. In public, he was very seldom showy. And he often just said short prayers when he was with people. He merely looked up and said thanks to multiply bread and fish to thousands. Nonetheless, he did pray each step of the way doing his ministry in public but was seldom seen doing it.

Once, they were trapped in a furious squall in a lake. Their boat was about to sink. His disciples urged him to wake up and do something. Probably, they wanted him to worry with them. Often, our prayers are nothing but expressions of uncertainties and worrying. But Jesus calmly stood up and rebuked the wind and waves---and they immediately stopped. Everything was calm. And this, without praying. No even a single word.


There's something powerful when we don't pray---in public. Why? Because we use Jesus authority in us. Jesus prayed a lot in private, but in public he simply assumed the Father's authority in him. The Father in him did it. And CHRIST in you does it when you simply declare things. Truth is, the Father and Son are both in us (really in us)---100 percent---through the Holy Spirit in us.

And because the Spirit is in us 100 percent, we pray without ceasing---because he is the Spirit of supplication. Imagine that? The Holy Spirit of supplication himself is living in you, 100 percent. So your natural nature is to pray continuously. And this was what Jesus did. This was his secret. Aside from his long bouts with the Father in remote places (just being alone with HIM), he prayed continuously without ceasing. He was always talking with the Father, as Enoch walked with God for 300 years.

We get a glimpse of this in Jesus' short prayer:
Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.
With this short prayer (you can pray this prayer within 10 seconds) Lazarus was resurrected from the dead. Imagine? Why such powerful prayer? Because Jesus' prayer life consisted of unceasingly talking with the Father all day. He said, "Father I thank you that you have heard me." Heard him? When? The passage context shows Jesus never prayed before this. And yet, in a sense, he did---privately. While on his way to the grave site, he was praying or talking to the Father inwardly, in his spirit. And being intimate like this with the Father, he was sure the Father had answered his prayer.

So all he had to do was assume that answered prayer---the authority---and declare life to Lazarus. He didn't need to pray in public as we would, asking God to (please) resurrect him. His prayer was a thank prayer for the answer. And the rest is history. That's how we should operate in ministry. That's real ministry as Jesus did it.

What would we have done in this instance? Well, I'm sure we would've asked God to comfort the bereaved family of Lazarus---that they may accept the death of their loved one. Period. The nearest we would pray about supernatural miracle would be "Lord, provide the finances they need for the burial." And a lot more nonsense like that.

Often we overkill. We pray tons of prayers in public, opening and closing, with drama and diction and all, a majestic voice, prosing on theological principles, and with a bunch of so-called "prayer warriors" behind us shouting prayers like crazy---and produce nothing.

Jesus was different. After praying alone on the mountainside one night, Jesus decided to walk on water to catch up with the disciples on the boat. When he got there, Peter wanted to walk on water, too. Jesus simply said, "Come." He didn't say, "Let's pray first." And Peter, indeed walked on water before sinking due to loss of faith.

I heard one pastor pray for food during lunch. And he went on describing how the food would enter the esophagus and land on the stomach and undergo digestive processes to filter out nutrients which would be distributed to the body for health and strength. WOW! Didn't God know all that, that this pastor had to tell him what should happen?

We should seldom pray in public, but pray nonstop in private.
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others (in public). Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

He Kept Company with Waiters in a Wedding

Washington Post
Turning water into wine was awesome, to say the least. I saw for myself how the servers had taken plain water from the jars (I often "see" bible events right before my eyes when I meditate God's Word). Yup, just plain water. It didn't turn into wine instantly in the jars. But when the servers (or waiters) took Jesus at his word and served the water to the wedding guests, somewhere along the way it turned into wine.

The same way the 10 lepers were still leprous when Jesus told them to present themselves to the priests. But they took Jesus' word for it and went. And as they went, they were healed, the Scriptures say. That radical do-or-die act of faith can throw entire mountains into the sea with a word. Really awesome.

But it's not just the water to wine miracle I'm astonished about. It's how my Jesus preferred the company of the waiters during this wedding. He was an invited guest and should have sat at one of the tables for the guests. Or perhaps, even at the presidential table, if there was one. But nope, he preferred to stay in the kitchen with the waiters and cooks.

Here's how the affair went:
When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”
We see Jesus and Mary clearly in the company of the waiters here. They could not have done this conversation right amid the wedding area but somewhere in the kitchen, specifically where the stone jars of water were kept. Another thing, when Jesus had answered his mother, "My hour has not yet come," Mary was immediately in the company of the waiters saying, "Do whatever he tells you." 

So, putting two and two together, you easily see they were in the kitchen, or some room or area for similar use. Jesus was comfortable to stay in the backdrop or even behind the scene. At once I remembered preachers who wanted to be "properly introduced" in church, their accomplishments are not to be belittled but enumerated.

Though Jesus was sociable and invited to important social functions, he stayed low profile. He preferred to be with servants or simple folks---like waiters, tax collectors and sinners. I'm so impressed that when the master of the banquet tasted the superb wine quality and wondered where it came from, Jesus just kept silent. He just did a major accomplishment and he preferred to stay out of the limelight. Can we do the same?

In fact, even the bridegroom, whom the banquet master called aside, hadn't the faintest idea where the choice wine came from. I bet the top religious leaders were aching to claim the glory for themselves, and they'd do that if they were indeed responsible. They'd never let an opportunity like that just pass them by.

All these were written not as a mere incidental thing. Jesus wants his readers to get something Kingdomly important here. In fact, the topmost thing in the Kingdom values system. The least is the greatest. So stay least.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

He Touched Grime and Dirt Then Ate Without Washing His Hands

The Oral Cancer Foundation.
Ever seen a food scavenger? He digs through trash looking for discarded food. When he finds one, it's like a big jackpot. He eats it with delight using unwashed hands he had used to dig through grime and dirt and heaps of garbage. He also brings some to his family. Disgusting, isn't it?

No wonder the religious leaders were disgusted at Jesus. He touched the tongues and ears of people with bare hands---and we don't know if those folks had brushed their teeth, gargled a mouthwash or cleaned their ears. They probably didn't. And even if they did, it'd be repulsive to touch them hands-on just the same. Unless he wore gloves, which he didn't. He touched the sick and the lepers, too. I can imagine he even touched open woulds to heal them.

Then he ate without washing his hands.

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Yup, at one time the Pharisees noticed how he ate without first washing his hands. This was big deal to them because of their religion---and to most of us today because of hygiene. I often bring a small bottle of 70 percent solution isopropyl alcohol in my belt bag and often use it after shaking hands with people. Bacterial or viral contamination is a reality.

Imagine shaking hands with lots of people, grabbing hand supports or handles in public buses and jeeps which multitudes of people have also grabbed onto, handling money---and then eating your meal without washing your hands. What more if you touched people's tongues, mouths, ears and wounds?

But Jesus knew how his manner of healing offended both religion and hygiene. He should at least wash his hands after. Why didn't he? And he's in the habit of doing things on purpose. I'm sure, he had a reason why he displayed the nasty habit. And I'm quite sure, too, it was not to promote dirty living or poor sanitation.

At one time, he spit on the ground and made mud of it. Then he splattered it on the eyes of the blind. I'm sure the blind man had heard him spit saliva on the ground, and I believe he had a good idea what it was that Jesus put on his eyes when he felt the wet, sticky mud. But he just let him. Was all this necessary for the healing? Couldn't Jesus simply pray over the blindness or declare healing?

Worse, at another time, he just plain spit on the eyes of the blind.
He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" [Mk. 8.23]
Well, at least this time he did it outside the village where no one could see him. Sometimes, I try to imagine myself doing this. Would it work? Would the blind see? Is it a healing formula? What would people think of me and my ministry? Why would Jesus heal this way? Why is it recorded in the bible for all generations of believers to read? There is a purpose in all this. This is not just accidental.

I'm sure Jesus knew well the implications of his actions on his person and ministry. On his dignity. On his claims for God. Didn't he realize how his messiness would affect his name and ministry---and his church eventually? I'm sure he did. But he did it anyway. In fact, I can imagine how he thought it would do his name and ministry lots of good! It would be best for God's glory that he spit and made a mess of people's sickness and touched grime and dirt and then ate with unwashed hands in plain sight of the Pharisees.

If so, then why wouldn't churches today do this?

As I stalked behind Jesus and watched his unorthodox ways, I remembered Ezekiel and how God told him to cook his food on burning human poop. Now, why would God tell him that? And how God told Peter to kill and eat unclean animals in a huge blanket being lowered from heaven. Well, just now, as I'm writing this article, I remember how Jesus made his 12 disciples drink from the same cup during the last supper. According to Matthew, this was what Jesus said:
Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you..."
It didn't say Jesus gave a cup to each of them. There was one cup and they all were to drink from it. Can you imagine that? I tried to do this once but I had to stop it because I pitied the last guy to drink from the cup. Imagine 11 guys drinking from the same cup and leaving their saliva there. And then you're the last to sip. I don't care if they all brushed their teeth and gargled Listerine. But what if they didn't?

I was pondering on this when this thought came:

When God says it, then it's the most decent thing to do, even if the world thinks it isn't. Remember, Jesus said he couldn't do anything except what he heard from the Father or what he saw the Father himself was doing. Jesus knew God's Word or Scriptures (the Old Testament) well and yet he also relied on what he saw and heard direct from the Father. We should operate likewise. We should hear straight from God and "see" him, aside from relying on his Word in the bible.

See this promise:
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him. [Jn 14.21]
Jesus promises to "show himself" to the one who is deep in God's Word. He will let us "see" him. We must hear and see God. And once we do, we will see the strange acts of God as Moses and the prophets and patriarchs saw them. Jesus himself saw them and obediently did accordingly---touching people's tongues and ears, spitting and making mud and touching the sick. And then eating with unwashed hands. Or breaking the Sabbath law or some treasured religious tradition.

It's not a formula. You shouldn't go out there and spit at the blind and touch the tongues of the mute or demolish religious rituals or traditions. Make sure first that you heard from God or saw God showing you what to do. And make sure you are deep in the Word---meditating it day and night and living it out daily.

When finally you hear God and see him, then make sure you obey, no matter if it looks weird, stupid or indecent to people. No matter if it offends people's religions---even born-again religion.

He was Totally Sold Out to the Father

Luke 4 says Jesus was filled with the Spirit after being baptized in Jordan and then the Spirit led him to the wilderness to be tempted. I was stalking behind him as he walked then he suddenly stopped and turned to me. He stared, as if knowing that I had a pressing concern. [Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay].

"What do you mean by being filled with the Spirit?" I asked.

He smiled and touched me, and then gestured to follow him. Then a thought came---"it's being totally sold out," a small voice said in my mind. After a moment, another word came: "Totally surrendered." Did that mean I had to be a perfect follower? Nope. You can fail a lot, do things wrong, and yet be totally surrendered in the eyes of God. Peter and Barnabas did wrong and yet were filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul and Barnabas quarreled.

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God's Spirit indwelt them. He (the Spirit) never left them just because they were wrong. Nor was the Spirit decreased in measure in them just because they failed. God's Spirit still dwelt in them 100 percent. So, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Grace makes all that possible. You cannot be 80 percent "filled," mind you, or have the Spirit of God just partially. You're either filled or not.

David did wrong and yet we never read that the Spirit departed from him as the Spirit did from King Saul. It's a different story if you're not totally surrendered. You cannot be lukewarm and claim to be filled. "Filled" doesn't mean perfect. It means totally surrendered. You allow God total free rein to unmold and mold you. Your free will never gets in the way.

These thoughts were in my mind as I followed Jesus to the wilderness. You could see how willing he was to be led there and be tempted by the devil. "Totally sold out" was written all over his face. Being filled made this possible---willing to be degraded, insulted and made fun of by a lesser individual and not retaliate with his divine power, without second thoughts. And surviving the ordeal required nothing less. Then the Word came to me: "If Jesus needed infilling before doing any ministry, how much more human servants?"

Jesus sat where piles of stones were scattered on the desert floor. He was obviously tired and hungry after 40 days of fasting. I knew the devil would appear any time then, but Jesus stared at me before the devil could make an appearance. Then this thought came: "In fact, before doing any ministry for God, you need to defeat the devil in the wilderness."

People pray to be anywhere except the wilderness, but it's in the wilderness where defeating Satan is most strategic. God watches you more when you're in the wilderness---he watches how you forfeit yourself of your rights and privileges there. He watches how you starve your ego. If your ego dies, you defeat Satan. If you defeat Satan in the wilderness, you'll make it anywhere.

If not, don't attempt any ministry. Defeating the devil is what really counts in ministry, not numerical results or achievements. A semblance of success while spiritually succumbing to the devil is zero in the Kingdom.

Hearing this Word in my spirit, I stared back at the Lord. He nodded in agreement. Then the tempter came. We know the rest of the story.

The Priorities of the Kingdom 2: Marks of a True Follower

MARKS OF A TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Part 1 Humility, meekness and emptying yourself. These are the priorities of the Kingdom, the aim of the ...