
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Nothing Mattered to Him But the Kingdom

Nothing was important to Jesus but the Kingdom of God---particularly, how to set it up on earth. First, he did nothing but show his disciples, and people around him, what the Kingdom was like. And then he taught them hints how to make the Kingdom work in their lives. This should be a vital part of our evangelism and discipleship---showing them the King, his kingdom and how to live there NOW! [Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay].

Jesus e-book now available. Click here.

There were other pressing matters then, for sure. Like Rome's occupation of Israel, corruption in government, poverty, injustice, human rights abuse, rebellion, hunger, etc. But he didn't come for those things, although God cared for these issues, too. But they were nothing compared to putting up God's Kingdom and rule on earth---because the Kingdom had to do with true LIFE.

And LIFE is the answer for everything. It's the ultimate remedy for man's soul, needs and aspirations.

It saddens me how majority of Christians worldwide don't have a clue what the Kingdom is. After receiving Jesus, they are taught how to operate in their local church. They are taught the ways and policies of their church denominations. And that's all they'd know the rest of their lives on earth. They even equate the Kingdom to their denominations. But they are worlds apart, really.

Just look at what Jesus did in ministry and compare that with what denominations are doing today. There's not even a hint of Jesus in denominations. You see more a Jesus that has been adjusted to fit in the world than THE JESUS who declared he was not of this world. I mean, all his ways were spiritual and supernatural---nothing this world can duplicate. Like, he fed multitudes with a few bread and fish multiplied by an astounding miraculous power while we'd do the same by soliciting money or stubbornly asking for donations, often even from unwilling non-believers.

See the big difference?

Jesus came to represent the Kingdom---show us what it's really like---and show us how to be part of it. Not to be part of it is spiritual damnation forever. And to be part of it we need no less than deep and thorough repentance and total surrender to him. TOTAL. You lose your rights and privileges and become like Jesus---he emptied himself and took the form of a servant. To him, that's the real meaning of life. He came that we may have life, and it's all about Kingdom life on earth as it is in heaven. Kingdom life is true ministry---the rest is garbage. Church programs, activities, concerts, gimmicks, and what-have-you are all trash.

In fact, Sunday worship services are garbage without this Kingdom life.

Here's Kingdom life as he showed it in his life---hearing direct from the Father and doing only what the Father speaks. Staying meek, simple and low-profile and letting God run your life and ministry. Instant healing becomes the normal way of dealing with diseases. A simple, short prayer produces instant miracles---like multiplying scant food supply, transfiguring and transporting you to heaven during prayers or talking with saints as Jesus did with Moses and Elijah or even throwing entire mountains into the sea with supernatural power. Driving out demons "with a word," resurrecting the dead, or controlling nature with a mere command or rebuke. That's Kingdom life. That's the LIFE he came to give us, and which he wants us to have abundantly.

It's not just salvation of our souls.

When he declared he was LIFE and we receive him into our lives, we automatically get that life---HIS LIFE. His life automatically produces these wonders. It should. It should not diminish in any way once his life gets inside of us. The same LIFE of Jesus is in us now! And that life should produce the same things. "Very truly, he who has faith in me will do the same things---and greater things shall he do..."

Kingdom life is not just about salvation. It's that plus more. Jesus came to propagate God's Life (make disciples of all nations) and this builds the Kingdom of God on earth---God's own family on earth, all of us having his spiritual DNA. Any effort at evangelism or church planting that ignores this truth is garbage. You're not building God's Kingdom; you are just building your denominational empire.

We should take Jesus' Kingdom LIFE seriously and do nothing but this in church. It's his genuine ministry. And Jesus wants us to do nothing else. "Anyone who has faith in me will do the same things I'm doing---and greater works shall he do because I go to the Father."

This is what the church should be busy with, especially in these last days---not be busy with silly church programs, activities, entertainment and gimmicks.

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