
Share the Gospel Online Easily Plus Blueprint of Success

Sharing the Gospel to 10 persons a day online--and discipleship--made so easy. 

Now, anybody can do personal evangelism and discipleship in much simpler ways, even without any training, hassle-free, and yet consistent with the evangelism principles used by Jesus in the Gospel. Watch the video below!

The e-book comes with another e-book on "Your Blueprint of Success from God," that helps you live every day life and the spiritual life successfully and prosperously even with a radically simple lifestyle and tribulations. Get your PDF copies when you buy.

"How to Share the Gospel Easily Online"

We are all expected by God to share our faith with other people. That's a clear given. No one is exempt, although fact is, a lot in church do not know how to share the Gospel and do not do so. They think it's okay, because anyway the Lord will understand--as long as they attend church regularly and give their tithes.

But that's farthest from the truth. All believers are mandated to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations," [Matthew 28.19], and it's obvious that you cannot disciple without first sharing the Gospel to non-believers. But thank God He made available the Internet and social media in these last days to simplify and expedite worldwide evangelism and made it easily doable to you and me--to all ordinary believers even without training.

We can all now take active part in world evangelism like missionaries by doing it online. And it's so easy.

But there are Kingdom principles we need to apply and social media policies we need to follow to do everything properly and effectively. I have included them in this e-book, and here are some its features:
  1. How to make online tools do the evangelism for you while still having your personal touch in it so that your personality remains intact. It is you doing it but the online tools make it happen for you 24/7, even while you sleep.
  2. How to keep evangelizing online while you do other things offline, or as you rest, relax, or go some place else.
  3. How to make everything consistent with the evangelism principles used by Jesus and the apostles in the bible while doing it online.
  4. How to make online evangelism deeply spiritual.
  5. How to gather new believers for online discipleship.

"Your Blueprint of Success From GOD"

How should we define success? How does God see it? God has provided a blueprint of success for each of us to live both our daily secular life and spiritual life powerfully victorious. But we need to see life and everything in it through the eyes of God to see what genuine success is. Success can sometimes look like failure and failure look like success, and mistaking one for the other often spells disaster in the end. 

A lot of people become sourly disappointed despite their seeming success and live empty and depressed lives because they mistake one for the other. This e-book helps you see the kind of success that God wants for you and enjoy its fruits, too, for the rest of your life here and well through the hereafter. It is vital to see success through the cross of Jesus. Here's an excerpt:
"The kind of blessing HE has in store for us is also the type of blessing our hearts are inclined to desire. GOD had seen our hearts even before we were born. HE had seen the inclinations of our hearts from start to finish. In fact, we cannot hide anything from HIM. Everything is laid bare before his eyes, even things yet unseen, things still to appear in the future.

"And HE has arranged everything to lead to our full potential and true success IF we opt for HIS blueprint for our success."


How to Surrender Your Life to Jesus 

Ask forgiveness and repent of your sins. Believe God's forgiveness. It is promised in the bible. Then receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your sole Savior and Lord, then be assured of heaven, not because of anything you have or do, definitely not your "Christian" or "born-again" or "Catholic" religion but because of God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ. 

Surrender to Him by intently studying the bible daily (ask guidance from the Holy Spirit) and applying in life everything you learn. EVERYTHING. And then pray that God lead you to the right church to attend and right person to disciple you, one who is totally surrendered to Jesus and living His words in the bible.

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