
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Really Up Close with Jesus

Reading about Jesus in the bible is one thing--so is seriously studying about him--but getting really up close with Jesus is quite another. No more seeing through a glass darkly, but face to face. Like how Peter got a revelation of Jesus and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!" [Photo by Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash].

Why? Hadn't he seen Jesus before? Of course he had. But it was the first time he really saw Jesus up close. And Jesus said Peter had a revelation direct from the Father, not through the teachings of men. Men's teachings and doctrines are good, but they don't help you get up close with Jesus. 

Head knowledge can never open your eyes to see Jesus. Only God's supernatural revelation can. When God starts opening His Word in Scriptures to you through the breath of His mouth, you suddenly get "transported" to the Gospel times and "appear" right before them. You're right there walking and talking with Jesus and the disciples. You become part of the Gospel, as it were.

Everything comes alive and you personally witness scenes in the bible. This is how the Father designed Word meditation. His plan is for us to become part of His Word through the supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit. Bible studies we do with our human formula and theologies are NO match compared to God's revelation. 

Just imagine being right there with the Israelites and Moses as they crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, or standing right beside Elijah when he called fire down from heaven that consumed the offering on Mt. Carmel. You don't just read about them but take part, too, not to change the bible but to witness it first hand through the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is what Jesus said about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Jesus is the Word of God. When we meditate and experience God's Word, we eat it. We "eat" Jesus Christ.

The Priorities of the Kingdom 2: Marks of a True Follower

MARKS OF A TRUE FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Part 1 Humility, meekness and emptying yourself. These are the priorities of the Kingdom, the aim of the ...